The philosophy of hosta is to focus on quality more than quantity
Hosta Impex LLP is a beekeeper. It is registered with the Government of India. and ISO 9001 : 2015 certified company. Hosta obtain a variety of pure honey from various flowers in the areas of india. These include Eucalyptus, Tulsi, Litchi, Ajwain, Multiflora etc. The honey obtained by the bees is purified 3 times with cotton cloth. We get more than 2 samples of each batch and send it to the licensed laboratory for testing. At the time of packing, full attention is paid to cleanliness. Along with this, the rules of FSSAI are followed.
All are free from Adulteration. We are proving it. We source our solutions to carriers to deliver products directly to your doorstep. We provide quality. We guarantee certificates for the product and 100% pure and unprocessed raw honey. We take responsibility for the quality. We provide laboratory certification to confirm the honesty and beneficial properties of honey with order. So fraud has been excluded.
We have a TELENTED AND WEL EXPERIENCED team who is very enthusiastic about serving our customers. Hosta Honey has continuously strived to adhere to stringent norms in its production process to let its customers avail of the ultimate benefits of honey in its purest form.
HOSTA IMPEX LLP Collecting raw honey naturally with non-violent methods
HOSTA is not just a Bee farm but a heartwarming home for Bees. HOSTA is expertised in extracting honey without mistreating the bees. The properties of HOSTA honey is solely based on the single-source flower nectar that the honey bee collects, like the raw ajwain honey collected from its flower nectar is blackish in color and it tastes like Ajwain, similarly raw lychee honey is from lychee flower nectar and is yellow colored with a taste like lychee. Following the scientific method, We harvest the honey at night in the bright moonlight to avoid disturbing the bees or harming their eggs